what is your process / what programs do you use?

I like to sketch out my work first with pencil and retrace/color in Procreate. I find this better captures the quality of my natural drawing style. Then if needed, I do additional clean-ups, resizing, edits, etc. in Photoshop.


what brushes do you use?

My favorite brushes in Procreate are the 6B pencil, Dabs (free to download online), Bonobo chalk (for additional texture), & Narinder pencil (for finer lines).


where are you from?

I’m Hokkien-Cantonese, born in Vietnam, raised in California. My dad was born in China, grew up in Cambodia. My mom was born in Cambodia, grew up in Vietnam, immigrated to California. My family has a very long and complicated history of migration, but it’s what made me who I am <3